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Theis Husfeldt: From Chronic Pain To Strong Again!

Hear Theis' extraordinary story in his short testimonial video, explaining why he has used EMS training religiously for the last 3 years.


Theis was a Physiotherapist who also played professional handball out in Denmark for over 20 years, playing in over 700 division matches during his sporting career. As a result, he had a lot of injuries, especially in his back. During his last two years in sport, the pain became chronic and eventually led to the end of his handball career.


Naturally as a Physiotherapist, he tried every kind of therapy that was available to him to fix the problem, yet couldn’t find a solution that would ease his pain. The saddest part was, he couldn’t even carry his young son for more than a few steps. He was left in agony and it was seriously affecting his mental health too.

At that time, Theis came across EMS and soon after undertaking consistent training his back pain eased significantly. He no longer had to take the pills he was on for his back pain. Theis had a strong body before, training up to 4 or 5 times per week in the gym, but after training with EMS he still felt a significant increase in his strength, especially in his core.

Theis has now trained consistently with EMS for 3 years and no longer suffers at all with his back. This is more than just a training solution, it’s a treatment and it can and is improving quality of life for so many people around the globe who experience chronic pain and physiological problems.

Find your local instructor or book a consultation with the EMS Works team to experience the true power of EMS for yourself. Many UK instructors are currently delivering safe 1:1, outdoor training, adhereing to government guidelines.

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